1. tmo - Urban Dictionary
Short for Topless Make Out. (Coined in the novel CUBICLE COWBOY by Jeff Metzger.) "No, I didn't sleep with her, just enjoyed a TMO.".
throw me off (dmv term)
2. TMO's - Urban Dictionary
A possible or definate sexual encounter with another person. Also, to have sex with a person. Man, I got me a tmo project for ...
to Totally Make Out the act of totally making out
3. TMO - Urban Dictionary
1. The antithesis of the racial epithet "nigg*r" 2. A term of endearment only when used in dialect between blacks. 3. A word used sparingly by other minorities, ...
Pronunciation: nig ah Function: noun Etymology: African American
4. TMO project - Urban Dictionary
A possible or definate sexual encounter with another person. Also, to have sex with a person. Man, I got me a tmo project for tonight.
A possible or definate sexual encounter with another person. Also, to have sex with a person.
5. TMO - Slang/Internet Slang - Acronym Finder
Rank Abbr. Meaning. TMO · Take Me Out · TMO, The Mac Observer (website). TMO, Too Many Options. TMO, The Metal Observer (website).
8 definitions of TMO. Definition of TMO in Slang/Internet Slang. What does TMO stand for?
6. TMO - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does TMO stand for? ; TMO, Traffic Management Officer ; TMO · The Matrix Online (game) ; TMO, That's My Opinion ; TMO, Tracking of Moving Objects (navigation).
40 definitions of TMO. Meaning of TMO. What does TMO stand for? TMO abbreviation. Define TMO at AcronymFinder.com
7. TMO mug - Urban Dictionary Store
Urban Dictionary mug with the word 'TMO'
8. TMO - What does TMO stand for? The Free Dictionary
TMO ; TMO, True Mechanical Override (flush operation) ; TMO, Transportation Management Office ; TMO, Take Me Out ; TMO, Traffic Management Officer.
What does TMO stand for?
9. TMO Definition - Law Insider
TMO means total minutes in the applicable month (“Month”) minus the Scheduled Downtime in the Month. Sample 1.
Sample Contracts and Business Agreements
10. T-Mobile - Urban Dictionary
T-Mobile. The absolute worst network known to man. They lure you in with their cheap deals and claim that they are the "leader in 5G" but in reality, they are ...
The absolute worst network known to man. They lure you in with their cheap deals and claim that they are the "leader in 5G" but in reality, they are run by the demons of hell and they want to trap you for life.
11. TMO tshirt - Urban Dictionary Store
Urban Dictionary tshirt with the word 'TMO'