Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (2024)


Submitted by NoraMarie

"I was brought up on this. We always had it for special days. At home this was made more than roast beef."


Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (2) Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (3)

photo by NoraMarie Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (4)

Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (5) Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (6)

Ready In:
2hrs 45mins





  • 1 (4 lb) chicken, cut up
  • 1 cup onion, chopped
  • 1 cup carrot, chopped in big pieces
  • 1 stalk celery, cut up in big pieces
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 14 cup butter
  • 8 lbs potatoes



  • Cook chicken, onions, carrots, celery, and salt in water to cover.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for about 2 hours.
  • Remove skin and bones and cut chicken in small pieces.
  • Strain broth.
  • Peel potatoes, grate very fine like you would make potato pancakes.
  • Or puree in blender.
  • Working with 2 cups at a time, squeeze it in a clean cloth to remove as much liquid as possible {save liquid}.
  • Empty potato into a large bowl {the potatoes will look like snow}.
  • Measure liquid and discard, measure an equal amount of the very hot broth and gradually mix in the grated potatoes.
  • {Potato will swell}The potato will change color.
  • Spread 1/2 in a greased pan 15x20 and cover with chicken, spread the rest on top.
  • Dot with butter, it will make the crust golden brown.
  • Bake at 400 until top start to brown {30 minutes}.
  • Lower oven to 350 and continue baking for another 2 hours.
  • This may be made with beef, clams etc.
  • You can serve it with pickles.

Questions & Replies

Rappy Pie (Acadian Food) Recipe - Food.com (7)

  1. i tried making the pie, u see my family is from Yarmouth N.S. and we love the pie and my mom and grandmother could make the best pie i ever had growing up!!! but now there both gone so my question is what potato is better? my mom said old potato r better and i can't remember what my grandmother said! can someone help me?

    Janie B.



  1. This is NOTHING like shepards pie. Not even a little bit. And carrots, I think not. Where are the salted green onions pray tell?

    Gayle O.

  2. Made this delicious pie for dinner and I just about ate the whole thing myself and loved every morsel. Nora this is a surefire keeper!! It is similar to Shepard's Pie but less fattening and I belive tastier. So simple to put together! I got a great deal on chicken at the store so cooked the whole batch, saved broth to make soup, and made this pie for dinner that night. Wonderful comfort food and with our snowstorm and no driving bans it kept this mama in and happy. DHsaid it was the perfect come home from the storm dinner as it was warm and the kind of dinner you want when your bones are cold. Made in honour and memory of Ed.


  3. Delicious! Its similar to a shepherd's pie. I made this with left over turkey that we had two nights ago. It worked really well as I cooked the carcass with the vegetables and then added the precooked turkey meat. I didn't discard the rest of the broth and instead froze it for later use as homemade stock. Lovely comfort food! Made in Memory of Nora's DH Ed.


  4. My great uncel made this all the time for special ocations





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I actually joined Zaars under NoraMarie on August 04/01,,I.D. number 13765I live in the snowbelt country.Love the Spring,Summer,Fall but winter is not my thing,hate driving in the snow.I had 2 kids and lost my daughter to cancer so now I love my son more then anything in the world.I have 2 grandkids both boys.I don't get to see them often enough.Love playing on Zaar,I told so many people about it.<img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/duch*eSS13/ZaarWorldTourPartBanner.gif"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/200_artistrichardneuman-art-prints_.jpg"border="o"="Photobucket-Video and Image Hosting"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/untitled.jpg"border="o"alt=Photobucket_Video and Image Hosting "><img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/beartag_1_jpg"><img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/smPACp.jpg"><img 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Rappy Pie  (Acadian Food) Recipe  - Food.com (2024)


Who invented rappie pie? ›

It is thought that rappie pie has its origins in the Acadian Expulsion, among Acadians who lived out their exile in Massachusetts.

Can you freeze rappie pie? ›

It can be frozen, thawed and reheated, although the taste is there, the texture changes. Fresh rappie pie just out of the oven, topped with diced onions.

What is the Acadian dish brought to Massachusetts? ›

A restaurant in Wakefield, Massachusetts, is now serving rappie pie, thanks to the persistence of two women with Acadian connections. The name for the traditional dish is derived from the French “patates rapées,” meaning grated potatoes.

How do you pronounce rappie pie? ›

The humble rappie pie — pronounced “roppie pie” in Nova Scotia and derived from the French word râpé (grated), is beloved by Acadians and their descendants and was notoriously labor-intensive to prepare in BB (Before Block) times.

How many calories are in a rappie pie? ›

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

What is it called shoofly pie? ›

Shoofly pie is a sweet molasses crumb pie. With its rich flavor, gooey syrup, brown sugar, and crumb topping, this delicious treat has been a longtime staple in Lancaster County, PA. The sweet, delicious pie is a must-try for all pie enthusiasts.

What pies can you not freeze? ›

If you've got leftovers after your holiday meal or you're baking your pies in advance, you may be wondering which pies can be frozen. In general, custard and cream pies do not freeze well.

Should you thaw a frozen pie before baking? ›

When ready to bake pie, heat oven to 450°F. When oven is preheated, remove frozen pie from freezer; cut a few slits in top crust and place in oven. Do not thaw pie because no one wants a soggy pie. Bake 25 minutes.

Can you wrap pie in foil and freeze? ›

Be they baked or not, whole or in slices, first place the uncovered pie on a baking sheet and freeze until solid, about two hours, before wrapping in a layer or two of plastic wrap. You can then put the pie in a layer of foil, a resealable bag or an airtight container for extra insurance from freezer burn if you want.

Who made the original Derby Pie? ›

Leaudra and Walter Kern, along with their son, George created the very first Derby-Pie® dessert in 1954 at the Melrose Inn in Prospect, Kentucky, and to this day Kern's Kitchen crafts each pie, one at a time, according to that legendary secret recipe.

Where did pigeon pie originate? ›

Pigeon pie
Pigeon pie with beetroot
Place of originFrance
Main ingredientsPigeon

Who invented Natchitoches meat pies? ›

James Lasyone opened his Meat Pie Kitchen over 50 years ago, and it remains a popular place to enjoy the spicy, filled pastries. Meat pies originally were sold from home kitchens or from carts by street vendors. The Natchitoches Meat Pie Festival was formed in 2002 to celebrate our notable culinary staple.

Who made the first pork pie? ›

John Dickinson opened his bakery in 1851. Pork Pie – Short History: Pork pies have been around in the UK for centuries. The first recipe that resembles a pork pie was published in the medieval manuscript “The Forme of Cury” in 1390 – ground pork in a basic hot water pastry shell.

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