New York Knickerbocker - History (2024)

Stories, Photos, Videos, Podcasts, and Publications featuring New York Knickerbocker History

F i l t e r & S o r t Filter & Sort

'+tableLegend; } else { return '

Showing ' + total + ' of ' + max + ' records.
Change filters or adjust season slider to modify results.
Click on column headings to sort table.

'+tableLegend;} } , fnFooterCallback: function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { //cant get actual 2+ row footers to work below or elsewhere, so just using
on footer results var api = this.api(); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(3)', api.table().footer()).html((34)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(4)', api.table().footer()).html((53)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(5)', api.table().footer()).html((12)); // var secondRow = $(nRow).next()[0]; // var nCells = secondRow.getElementsByTagName('th'); // nCells[1].innerHTML = 55; // nCells[2].innerHTML = 47.01; // console.log(nCells); }, // ========================================================== // Functions that automatically calculate sum/average/etc on footer of each column // // each column's class attribute is tagged as to what type of subtotal should be calculated // ========================================================== drawCallback: function () { //sums the footer values var api = this.api(); var ct=0; //index counter var rowCt=0; //count number of rows in particular column var seaCt=0; //number of seasons visible //counts the rows in first column and shows as ## Totals api.columns('.tot', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { if (b!='') { ct++; } return ''; }, 0); seaCt = ct; ct=0; //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+seaCt); // Update footer of first column if (seaCt>1 && !0) { //season totals and average $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+"
" ); }else if (seaCt>1 ) { $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); }else{ $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); } }); // ============================================================ // Calculate Averages on columns that are already averages by grabbing data // from other column Totals // e.g. FG%, Batting Average, SLG, etc // ============================================================ // call from each page , for example: // var colclass = '.3Ppct-calc' // var numerFld = '3Ptot:name' // var denomFld = '3PAtot:name' // var sigfig = 1 // var decPct = 100 // var strip0 = true //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 // var numerVal = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // var denomVal = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // customFooterVal(); function customFooterVal() { // some columns may have null stats, so cant include those in averages. // This javascript technique iterates one column at a time // So it becomes problematic to count rows in a _different_ column to get accurate averages/per-game totals. // so instead, we'll just get a ratio of the rows with/without null in _current_ column // and then multiply subtotal by that ratio to get a best estimate. // Mostly accurate unless game counts vary from season to season. // var numerCt = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()+0.00001); //counts non-nulls var denomCt = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()); //counts non=nulls var subave = ( (denomCt / numerCt) * numerVal / ( denomVal + 0.00001 ) * decPct ).toFixed(sigfig); //create footer if (numerCt<1) { subave='-'; //no stats in column }else if (strip0) { subave=subave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.') ; //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 } if (seaCt>1 && !0) { subave = subave + '
' + subave } jQuery( api.table().column( colclass ).footer() ).html( ( subave ) ); } // console.log('---------') // console.log ('1:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3Ptot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // console.log ('2:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3PAtot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // the sigfig and 'leading 0' are stored in database also creates // a custom class. for use in javascript calcuations of dynamic footer calculations // not currently used // ========================= // footer with sum and average // ========================= api.columns('.sumave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); // ========================= // footer with two averages // ========================= api.columns('.aveave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.aveave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.sumave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); //dont really use these anymore because two-rowed footer code above places average after the sum //other columns are autocalculated based for average or sum based on class tag // api.columns('.sumonly', { page: 'current' }).every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // return x + y; // }, 0); // //console.log(sum); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html(parseFloat(sum).toFixed(0) ); // }); // api.columns('.avg3', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // if (b!='') { // ct++; // } // return x + y; // }, 0); // var rowCt = ct; // ct=0; // //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+rowCt); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html( parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(3).replace('0.','.') ); // }); //api.fixedHeader.adjust(); }, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // Build VIEWS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // // ========================================================== // Build SPLITS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { // extend: 'collection', // text: " Splits", // fade: 0, // autoClose: true, // buttons: // [ // // ] // }, // ========================================================== // Build COLUMN visibility dropdown menu // ========================================================== // checkboxes at // // { extend: 'colvis', fade: 0, className: 'btn-group-child pull-left', //collectionLayout: 'fixed two-column', columns: ":not(.notInMenu)", //':gt(0)', titleAttr: 'Hide/Show Columns', text: "Columns" }, // ========================================================== // Build EXPORT/SHARE dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Share", fade: 0, titleAttr: 'Export Table to another location', className: 'btn-group-child', autoClose: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'copy', className: 'pullLeft', messageTop: 'RetroSeasons Data', messageBottom: "", header: true, footer: true, text: "Copy/Paste", key: { key: 'c', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, { extend: 'csv', className: 'pullLeft', title: "retroseasons-teams-new-york-knickerbockers-export", messageBottom: "", messageTop: "This data was exported from", text: "Download", titleAttr: 'Download Stats', header: true, footer: true, key: { key: 'x', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, // { // text: " Facebook Share", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Share Page", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Embed Table", // titleAttr: 'Embed Table', // }, ] }, // ========================================================== // Build FILTERS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Filter", autoClose: true, titleAttr: 'Filter statistics to show a subset of data', className: 'btn-group-child', fade: 0, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // FILTER paramater variables are set on each page depending on data // ========================================================== ] }, //end of collection dropdown menu ], }); //redraws header/footer on colviz changes so that its correctly formatted jQuery('#mainTable').on( 'column-visibility.dt', function ( e, settings, column, state ) { //console.log( 'Column '+ column +' has changed to '+ (state ? 'visible' : 'hidden') ); table.fixedHeader.adjust(); } ); jQuery('#mainTable').show(); // ================================================================= // draw table filtering fields to allow filtering of ranges // (this technique is then piggybacked by the range slider) // ================================================================= function( settings, data, dataIndex ) { var min = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-min').val(), 10 ); var max = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-max').val(), 10 ); var age = parseFloat( data[0] ) || 0; // use data for the age column if ( ( isNaN( min ) && isNaN( max ) ) || ( isNaN( min ) && age <= max ) || ( min <= age && isNaN( max ) ) || ( min <= age && age <= max ) ) { return true; } return false; } ); // ================================================================= // Event listener to the two range filtering inputs to redraw on input. // don't really need this anymore, since they're hidden and // i'm triggering redraw on slider but leaving it here for legacy // ================================================================= jQuery('#slider-min, #slider-max').change( function() { table.draw(); } ); // ================================================================= // Avtandil mod: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= var throttle_inst = null; var throttle = function( wait, func, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :; timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function() { var now =; if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; } var update_model_throttle = function() { if (null === throttle_inst) { throttle_inst = throttle(500, function(){ demo._handleSliderChange(); }); } throttle_inst(); } // ================================================================= // Avtandil End: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= // ================================================================= // set config parameters for slider range // // ================================================================= var $range = jQuery("#slider-range"); jQuery(function () { $range.ionRangeSlider({ type: 'double', step: 1, min: 1846, max: 1865, from: 1846, to: 1865, from_min: 1846, to_min: 1846, from_max: 1865, to_max: 1865, hide_min_max: false, keyboard: false, from_shadow:true, grid: false, skin: "round", // skin: "big", force_edges: true, drag_interval: true, prettify_enabled: false ,onChange: function () { update_model_throttle(); } }); }); $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('focus:border-blue-500 focus:border-2'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('rounded rounded-lg border border-gray-400'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('text-black'); // <-- add this line // ================================================================= // change min/max input fields and redraw table when slider changes // ================================================================= $range.on("change", function () { var $this = $(this), value = $this.prop("value").split(";"); //console.log(value[0] + " - " + value[1]); document.getElementById('slider-min').value=value[0]; document.getElementById('slider-max').value=value[1]; table.draw(); }); //fixedHeader.adjust(); //breaks wordpress table.draw(); $('#crumbCell').html(''); } );

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New York Knickerbocker - History (2024)


What is the Knickerbocker's history of New York about? ›

Told from Knickerbocker's point of view, A History of New York is a chronicle of New York's fifty years under Dutch rule in the 1600s that plays fast and loose with the facts, to uproarious effect. A History of New York propelled Irving to the heights of literary stardom.

Why are New Yorkers called Knickerbockers? ›

The term "Knickerbockers" traces its origin to the Dutch settlers who came to the New World - and especially to what is now New York - in the 1600s. Specifically, it refers to the style of pants the settlers wore... pants that rolled up just below the knee, which became known as "Knickerbockers", or "knickers".

What is the significance of Irving's book A History of New York? ›

Originally published under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, later editions that acknowledged Irving's authorship were printed as Knickerbocker's History of New York. The book is significant as early media describing what became modern Christmas traditions in the United States.

Are the Knicks still the Knickerbockers? ›

The New York Knickerbockers, shortened and more commonly referred to as the New York Knicks, are an American professional basketball team based in the New York City borough of Manhattan.

What is Knickerbocker famous for? ›

The Knickerbocker became the center of life in New York, hosting the world's biggest names. With dining, dancing, and parties, the hotel was the place to be, and its barroom was legendary. Broadway and 42nd Street drew crowds on New Year's Eve even before the Times Square Ball Drop was born.

What is the history of the Knickerbocker Society? ›

History. The Knickerbocker Club was founded in 1871 by members of the Union Club of the City of New York who were concerned that the club's admission standards had fallen. By the 1950s, urban social club membership was dwindling, in large part because of the movement of wealthy families to the suburbs.

What are two of Irving's most famous stories? ›

Author Washington Irving was born in New York City in 1783. He achieved international fame for the fictional stories "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," as well as for such biographical works as A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.

What is the history of Irving Place NYC? ›

Irving Place was established in 1831 by Samuel B. Ruggles who also built Gramercy Park (Moscow, 62). He had petitioned city of New York to make an extra street between Third and Fourth Avenues, where he owned most of the land.

Why is Irving important? ›

Washington Irving was one of the most famous American authors of the nineteenth century. While he is primarily remembered for short stories such as “Rip van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” he also penned an extensive biography of George Washington.

Why do the Knicks have 613 retired? ›

Post-playing career

In 1985, Holzman was elected into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. The New York Knicks have retired the number 613 in his honor, equaling the number of wins he accumulated as their head coach.

What happened to the Knickerbockers? ›

Unfortunately, the band suffered from inept handling by their label and underwent several personnel changes before breaking up in 1970. The Knickerbockers reunited in 1983 and again in 1990. Randell passed away in 1998.

Who were the knickerbocker families? ›

–launched a social campaign against the small, snobbish clique of old New York elite known as the Knickerbockers. These were the descendants of the great Anglo-Dutch families who settled in New Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries, and built their wealth on “respectable” trades like shipping and real estate.

What is the controversy with Dr Knickerbocker? ›

They contended that Knickerbocker had made antisemitic remarks and denied the Ward Medal for proficiency in French to a Jewish student, Morton Gurewitch, because he was Jewish. In April 1947, CCNY administrators issued a report finding that a clerical error had led to the denial of the Ward Medal to Gurewitch.

Why was the Knickerbocker group significant? ›

The Knickerbocker group was one of the first influential writing groups in America. Literary circles, like the Knickerbocker group, became a way for groups of writers to ensure their success in the market as they were tied to other successful authors.

Who are the knickerbocker families in New York? ›

–launched a social campaign against the small, snobbish clique of old New York elite known as the Knickerbockers. These were the descendants of the great Anglo-Dutch families who settled in New Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries, and built their wealth on “respectable” trades like shipping and real estate.

What is the history of Knickerbocker Village? ›

French began construction of Knickerbocker Village in 1933 and completed it in 1934, during the Great Depression. The site was previously home to one hundred buildings that were deemed slums and torn down. These actions were later criticized as some of the earliest gentrification in Manhattan.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.